Contact us to learn how you can easily bring any of our powerful and practical retreats to your local parish or diocese.

The Beatitudes are a roadmap, given to us by Christ himself, for our adventurous journey through this life.  In this retreat you will go beyond a cursory understanding of the Beatitudes and rekindle your spirituality by exploring sacred scripture, Saint Augustine's Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, Saint Teresa of Avila’s writings The Way of Perfection, and The Interior Castle, and Saint John of the Cross’s writings including The Ascent of Mt. Carmel, The Dark Night, and The Living Flame of Love.

Participants will be presented with specific ways they can apply their newfound wisdom in everyday life through the exploration of common themes among the Beatitudes, a Beatitudinal Life Map exercise, a building block model lesson which shows the progressive nature of Beatitudinal application, small group discussion, a Beatitudinal Examen exercise, Eucharistic Adoration and Mass.  Individual or group spiritual direction will be available for those who wish to deepen their exploration of how the Lord might be calling them, in a particular way, to live the Beatitudes.

At the conclusion of the retreat, participants will know how to read and apply the Lord’s roadmap to Heaven like never before.

“Anyone who piously and earnestly ponders the Sermon on the Mount—as we read in the Gospel according to Mathew—I believe he will find therein … the perfect standard of the Christian Life.” - Saint Augustine

How Your Personality Affects Your Discipleship

This retreat is made up of three components intended to guide participants on a powerful growth journey. The retreat begins with the exploration of how our individual personalities affect every aspect of our lives and how to recognize our strengths and weaknesses that affect our relationship with God and the people around us. The second component of the retreat assists participants with discovering principles of personal growth and will help them to reach their maximum potential as a Christian disciple. The third component of the retreat will introduce retreatants to principles and practices that enable them to better connect with the people in their lives, enabling them to flourish and improve relationships. 

Throughout the retreat, participants will benefit from the insights of Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church while exploring great Saints who match their personality type so that they can develop a relationship with these role models and gain ideas on how to follow Christ even better.  A Spiritual Director will be available to facilitate small group discussion for those wishing to deepen in their experience. The newfound self-awareness, wisdom and saintly relationships derived from this retreat will provide substantive building blocks for participants to take their relationship with the Lord and His Church to the next level. 

Participants will be asked to complete an online personality assessment, prior to the retreat, in order to make the most of their experience.

Discovering The Benefits

of Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction has always been recommended by the Church but has often been misunderstood as something reserved only for Priests and the consecrated religious. According to Pope Benedict XVI, spiritual direction is for every Catholic who desires to live out their Baptism and is called to a more substantive relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Retreatants are invited to spend a day learning about what spiritual direction is and how it can help them transcend the limits of their own wisdom and experience, avoid self-deception and discern the voice of God from that of their own psychology and the enemy. They will learn about its history and will be exposed to a treasure trove of wisdom from Saints and Mystics who achieved the peak of unity with God. They will also discover how the human sciences and spirituality converge to benefit their walk with the Lord. 

Participants will have the opportunity to experience a spiritual direction session, craft their own Rule of Life and come away with information on how they can establish a long-term relationship of accompaniment with a spiritual director.

The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Change is inevitable, but growth is optional. In this retreat you will discover powerful, yet easy to implement, principles of personal growth to help you reach your maximum potential. Everyone needs a plan for growth and this retreat helps set you on a path toward powerful personal growth,

Customized Retreats

Allow our Spiritual Director to work with you to create an amazing customized retreat for your group at your location or one of the beautiful regional retreat centers.

Call or email us today to learn more about our retreats or schedule your first session with one of our Spiritual Directors or to learn more about one of our retreats.  We're excited to begin your journey of spiritual growth together.

704-420-0744 |

It is understood that the spiritual direction relationship pertains to and concerns the spiritual life of the directee.  It does not directly concern itself with psychological counseling, psychotherapy, or medical practice of any kind.  Additionally, anything written on this webpage is not intended to replace professional psychological, medical, or mental health advice. 

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